Disaster Deco (Elly Weddings)

Let’s start with the things that did not go so well first so we can get over it and rave on to the things that I totally looove during my wedding. Of all things, the major disappointment had to come from my deco. If you see my past posts you will know who I am talking about. Thinking about it makes my heart ache and geram but it’s over, so suck it. At times I kept thinking, is it my fault for trusting them fully? Should I have continuously checked and double confirmed my designs and what I wanted? Should I have been more particular and specific? Do all decos work this way? Throughout my liaising with Li/sa I have, alot of times, felt she gives this certain attitude that I get ticked off, BUT because I am a nice person and because I always try to “Husnuzon”, berprasangka baik dengan seseorang. So I brushed it off. She hasnt been overly friendly and creative, it was more of me feeding my ideas then thats it. So what was the idea I had in mind?

LARGE PAPER FLOWERS was the main focus.

Instead, what did I get?

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Number 1: Fake tiny flowers which, I have emphasized to her so many times during our discussions that I HATE them.

Number 2: The color combinations that are TOTALLY off. Red flowers to compliment the PINK hydrangeas?! And when I told her I had asked for large paper flowers and not these small flowers, she said “Oh because it wouldn’t suit the garden theme.” Wtf? Hours away from solemnization and you’re saying this kind of shit? And then when asked WHY red, she said its to make the flowers stand out.

So how did I initially voiced out my ideas to them?

I told them that I wanted large paper flowers that they did during Fadhlurrahman’s photobooth backdrop to be incorporated into the drapes. But I wasn’t sure if the flowers are going to be too heavy to be pasted / cling onto the drapes, so even though I hated the square-ish palang at the back, I was ok if they can hide it with the large paper flowers.


They did it before what. Funnily during our very first meeting when I brought this “large paper flowers” up, she seemed to be a little lost to what I was saying. I could see she was just nodding having this “apa ni” face, which I then assumed that this was done by Iz/yan instead. You know, Elly belongs to these 2 sisters. So maybe different projects were handled by different people, but I assumed they should have atleast have some discussions about their works.

Anyway heck, why was I the one worried that the flowers wouldn’t stick? They should’ve come up with something to make them stick, right? So she said, okay but will need to check if there’ s customization charges because there’s additional structures to be included. Finally, she said it will be free of charge since its their  first time doing such a piece. What a load of crap in one email you know why?


I was promised my theme color to have shades of pink. Do you know where’s the ONLY pink in the deco? The hydrangeas. There was so much green and emerald even though I had mentioned in email that I just wanted a “tinge of emerald”. You know what else was emerald? My ceiling drapes deco and my meja pengantin. Even though I may not be as ‘creative’, I have better sense of color combination then they did. And when I said mainly mint I didn’t know I’d be slapped with a whole lot of it.


Also, did you see ANY RED in my emails? So what’s with the fake RED FLOWERS that they gave me to make it the center of attraction on pelamin and to stand out from the rest of the flowers? I got an attitude from Li/sa when I approached her saying that I wanted either the red flowers to be removed TOTALLY or replaced them with PINK flowers. That’s the only thing that can be salvaged, right? Atleast it wouldn’t have looked so off. Member perangai and said “ok we’ll see what we can do and if we have enough flowers to cover” and left. /slow clap. It was only when one of their assistants who came back and ‘found’ some pink flowers to be added on the structure did it look slightly better (doesn’t mean I still like it). He was nice enough to ask what else was I not happy about, which, I told him straight to the face I didn’t like anything at all. And what was Li/sa doing? She was just trailing behind that boy, with her head held high and looking to just leave the venue asap because ‘we’ve done our job already’.

Anyway, see their previous work? Oh wow, the exact same setup! Eh but I thought…

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Specifically ordered lah sangat. Plus, the table cloths weren’t mint. They were green, as seen in the photos. How mismatched can the table cloths and the drapes on the pelamin be?You should see them in real life. And take a look at the sketch of the pelamin that was given to me.



Was mentioned that it was ‘not drawn to scale’. Again, I ask myself, is it my fault for assuming those to be large flowers? Not drawn to scale means can be very small or very big. But if you look at the middle flower above the chandelier, it looks like a big piece of flower, like a centerpiece. So yes I assumed they remembered.  Not an exact replica? Ok, but I didn’t know it came without the chandelier, the rest of the 2 drapes and flower vases. Instead, it came with these candle holder which was missing 1 candle at 1 side. Talk about inconsistency.

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Let’s backtrack to our previous email conversations, how I always tried to emphasize large paper flowers.

 4 6 initial

Up to the last meeting before setup I remembered her saying large paper flowers. My mistake was not asking her how the paper flowers will look like. Again, it was because I assumed that she had done it before so she as the deco person should know better, right? She should be the one showing me what kinds of paper flowers I would like. Again, my mistake for not following up because assumptions and one word – TRUST.

The pelamin deco was only 1/3 of the crappy service given.

Like what my mom always says, kalau nak buat kerja biarlah sempurna. Just because they’re not as high end as Jen/tayu all doesnt mean they shouldn’t be delivering their works properly. Heck, I think my cousins’ deco who are not as expensive and high end had better end results. Just take a look at the length table cloths….. had an uncle who tripped over it and a few others who almost tripped over. Apa ni, kalau jatuh insurance nak claim dari siapa? Deco ke?

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Compare this to our caterer’s table cloth and there was such a vast difference. Take a look at other deco-s too.

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Ends right above your ankle, more comfortable and presentable, right? I dont think I’m being petty about this.

What they gave me was plain sloppy and messy.

Talking about sloppy and messy……………………… this I didn’t manage to take a photo because at the end of the day (1am pengantin masih kat venue k) I was too pissed and disappointed with all the things that I had found left behind.

While they were setting up, they had ordered CanadianPizza and chicken wings as their dinner. Tak pasal, aku hari2 makan Pizza free. Tapi lepas makan kene buat apa? Buang lah sampai sarap belen2 ayam goreng yang tinggal tulang jer. Tinggalkan tulang nak kasi jin makan ker?

So they left 4 LARGE PIZZA BOXES at the venue, specifically, less than 2 metres away from my meja pengantin. I thought that they will be taking it with them while they were hanging out around the area but once they left, pizza boxes were left there until the ants starting to call their army. No photos because my brother was so mad and again, aku dah tak kuasa. Not only that, my aunt/uncle from KL together with my mom, brother, sister and cousin and some of my bridesmaids stayed till 1am++ to sweep the floor because they left so many rubbish and plastic bags around, sampai bawah meja makan tetamu also had plastics of rubbish. What kind of work ethics is this? And if I could show you how they arranged my table centerpiece (a carpet grass + vase of flowers), I think even the most non-OCD person will scream. Literally main campak and didn’t even bother to keep it to the center of the table.

Geram tak geram tak? Kalau tu tak cukup menggeramkan, they totally forgo and forgot about the space needed for Sri Mahligai. Every single time I asked them where is the space for the band, they kept saying “oh we’re not done yet”. Not done sampai besok paginya my sister and cousin came down and pushed the tables away to make space for them.


Noted in email but not in the head.

Honestly I was so disappointed with them and their I’ve-done-my-job attitude. What was their compensation to this whole disaster? A $300 discount which I totally ignored and gave myself more discount which I still think does not match to what they have provided. If those $2k deco can provide better service I dont understand why they can’t. And now from their website they’re quoting almost $5k for a MPH wedding deco? With that price, I’d rather recommend Jentayu or Comel Molek or Daundco. I should’ve made an appointment with Comel Molek but they were so difficult to meet that with the price Elly quoted me previously I just jumped ship on them.

I’m not trying to say that do not trust new vendors. I took Elly when they were only about 7 months. But now that they’ve turned 2 or something like that, shouldn’t they be improving and be more professional about their works? I have unfollowed them on Instagram because if they dared to upload my deco and be proud of it, I will definitely blast more or not even pay up the balance amount. Now that I havent been seeing them uploading any recent works makes me wonder if they have been cocking up other customers’ as well.

My advise if you have taken Elly for your deco is to be petty about every single detail. You are the paying customer, if you must know the exact shade of mint for the table cloth then ask for it. My fault for not asking for it because of trust. Sorry lah, husband aku daripada a fan of Iz/yan dah un-fan balek dah. He knew how disappointed and sad I was on that day. It was a blessing in disguise to have my nikah at Masjid Taqua instead, atleast I had some nice backdrops there which soooo complement our bajus!

So, enough of the negativity, my next posts will all be the good stuffs 😉

13 thoughts on “Disaster Deco (Elly Weddings)

  1. Oh dear.. so sorry to hear about your decor.. i’ve always love looking at E.lly’s decor.. very simple yet elegant.. didn’t expect it to turn out this way for you.. they should jolly well increase their quality when they decided to increase their price seh.. hais.

    1. Yeah, I kept looking at their deco and keep asking myself, what went wrong ah? Why did they do this to me? Why couldn’t they do it nicely? Could it be because I was still paying their “old price” while the newer ones are paying their new prices? But still, every project is a portfolio for them what so why couldn’t they do the best that they could? I remembered a newspaper article featuring Izyan she said that at times she forgets it’s a business, to make money, because she tends to go the extra mile for their customers. Then me leh? I think I’ve been patient and nice with them seh, never chasing them even when the reply emails late. Hais. Really really heart pain

      1. Even so you are paying the old price, still they cannot do this to you seh.. you’re still a paying customer. Hais. Anyway chin up babe. At least your majlis dah selesai dgn selamat. Most importantly the nikah went well 🙂 Hope E.l.ly Weddings can do something about their service.

    1. Yeah, I’ve been seeing their deco after mine and I really can’t help but feel extremely sad over what they did to me. Prob ya just because I paid lesser cos I took them when they were just starting up. Anyway thanks babe 🙂

  2. Hi babe,

    Assalamualaikum. I just read your reviews about E/L/L/Y and also liasied with the same lady, had my nikah about 2 weeks back and experienced the sloppiness of their work, I know how you feel 😦

    Like you, I was delighted to have Elly Weddings and was wowed by their photos on social media but they did not deliver was was promised! (Dusty empty-looking dulangs, with hair on it?! My bouquet was wilting and not at all like the pictures I sent to her upon delivery!) I was so disappointed I diam only the night before my nikah (sampai nangis lol) until my gfs/family insisted I called Lisa up to make replacements, and even strangers commented tht they did a sloppy job. Instead, I just decided that it’s no point to dwell on it so we mustered all our creative juices and just did up new, more beautiful bouquets, cleaned up their dulangs with fresh flowers 🙂 I feedbacked to her already, hopefully Elly Weddings will improve.

    But so sakit hati right? We’re also not the kind to chase her or be so demanding during our email exchanges, but we’ve told her clearly what we wanted in me and my husband’s mind. Months ago we let go E/L/L/Y for their deco + wedding planner services (8k) for our upcoming garden wedding reception even though we really liked them cos our brother just opened an events company and wanted to do our wedding as his first portfolio? but now I’m glad we did! 🙂

    Alhamdullillah the nikah went smoothly for you and hubs, that’s the most important part of this whole journey! 🙂 hugs xx

    1. Wsalam thank you for sharing dear! I feel better (or worse actually) that I’m not the only one who faced such things from them. May I know when did you book them and did you book them at the introductory price or much later when the raised the price? Did she reply your feedback? KAN! I have a feeling its Lisa who’s the sloppy one, but then again Izyan was around during setup but she didn’t step up to lead. Means both pon sloppy work lah.

      1. Hehe no problem, glad we could share our opinions. She did reply a couple of days later and apologized and that’s it. Same like you, everything was based on trust because she seemed warm and friendly, and was excited with our ideas. She replied my emails promptly too,so the problems were unexpected. I booked them Oct 2014 during their showcase at Dreamers’ Soiree, so I should think it’s after the price increase. Nasib takda jodoh to take them for my full deco heh.

        When she confirmed with me the tray colours again, I told her what I wanted, yet she still got it wrong. I decided to let it go. Then my husband (then fiance) and his friend collected the bouquet and boutonnieres from her and his friend’s straightforward reaction was “Ni bunga hidup ke mati?!” to which she replied “Bunga hidup la. ” Hahaha. I told her I wanted a big. full bouquet with pictures attached. She gave me a small, wilting bouquet 1/4 the size I had expected, which costs a couple hundred of dollars. Disappointed truly, but ok, I decided to just make do with it.

        THEN The flowers got real droopy, my gfs splintered each stalk with wires to hold them up and my husband went to the florist to get new flowers because it was too late into the night to order a bouquet for the next day. I took pictures and sent to her, exressing my disappointment. She saw my messages but only replied three days later..I thought vendors are supposed to make our events easier urms. Adoiii hahaha but glad it’s over!! Irresponsible vendors (or individuals) should be called out xx

      2. :O BUT atleast she responded and apologised. I sent her this long blog post (but more targetted to her and personal) and did not receive a single reply. Like, thanks ah lepas tangan gitu. She did apologised thru sms that the colors were not to my liking (so its my fault for not liking the colors that she chose wrongly? ggrr) but thats all. hais. i think its just Lisa, one exbtb just got married and Izyan was the one in-charge but it turned out well. Then again, they should both work together. Don’t understand. Sampai hari ni my hati so sakit, I think I can never forget what they did to my wedding sampai bila2, lagi2 bila dapat gambar kahwin. Geram! Takpe ah asalkan bahagia dah kawin 🙂

  3. This is a nice blog about the deco service. I had mine with them too. It was a total disaster. Youre not alone. Talking about sloppy work. My gosh. I trusted them. But then i trusted them too much. If you could see the deco photos that i kept. You must be thinking. Oh nie deco budget2 agaknye.. tell you what. For 2k deco you could get better service and outcome. Totally pissed me off. They came down for site recce. Dint take any measurements. Dint do anything. On the day of setup, kain tak cukop. And what did they gave me?? Crap! Sloppy! Work! Even the tukang masak table guys. Redo their table covers abd it looks way way better. Oh yar. The tables for tetamu. Some “long skirt” some “short skirt”. Wth. Anyway cant be bothered too. It was 2am when i realised after all the tetamu went home . Few hrs to sleep and off to my big day. Strongly. Not reccomended to take uo their service.

    1. Hi there! Thanks for your inputs. Yes and agreeing to every single thing that you wrote. happened to me. Site recce didn’t measure anything, then for what tengok site kan? Ya for 2k I can get with much neater deco even tho not as ‘grand’ and designs may not be updated. But better than having sloppy works! And I snorted out laughing when they posted THIS https://instagram.com/p/4rgS9co40O/?taken-by=ellyweddings dalam hati macam nak comment kat their IG “THIS MUST BE THE BIGGEST JOKE OF THE CENTURY”. must be one of their friends who gave them this ‘recognition’. bleah.

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